It’s not easy to lose weight, especially when life gets busy and you don’t have a clear plan to keep fit.
Many people join a weight loss program to solve this problem. And while these programs can be useful, they don’t always teach you how to keep the weight off long-term.
These four tips are proven to help you keep off weight, so you can feel good about how you look and feel.
1. All calories are not equal. Chicken nuggets don’t treat your body as kindly as grilled chicken and broccoli. Instead of strictly counting calories, choose foods that are healthy for your body.
2. Cardio alone doesn’t keep weight off. Many people think weight loss is as simple as running longer or doing more Zumba. But if all you do is cardio, then as soon as you stop exercising, you’ll put the weight back on — and gain even more!
3. Weight lifting burns calories longer than cardio. Cardio isn’t bad, by any means. But cardio only helps you burns calories for roughly 24 hours while weight lifting burns calories for 48-72 hours — 2-3 times longer!
4. Everyone is different. Most weight loss programs offer a one-size-fits-all approach. But everyone’s body is unique. It’s important to work with a trainer who can help you zero in on the fitness program that’s right for you.
Our experienced, supportive personal trainers are here to help you!
At Elite Training San Diego, our expert trainers know how to get you real results that last. Click or call us today at (619) 800-2430 to get started on a fitness journey that will have you feeling confident in how you look and feel.